Sunday, May 19, 2019

Flying Armadillo - San Marcos

After a hearty breakfast at Macho Taco, we ventured south to San Marcos to play the Flying Armadillo.  Today's players were:  Steve, Keith, Bob, Lif and Heady.  Temperatures were in the 80's, mostly cloudy skies, no wind at all and very humid.  Course conditions were great, they are always making improvements at the course.

We warmed up by playing the short course first.  Lif and Bob both scored Ace's.  We all had  a good time.  The long course proved to be more of challenge, although Keith had a great round ending up even for the round.

A total of 10 birdies were made:  Keith(4), Steve(2), Bob(2), Lif(1) and Heady(1).  No discs found, one disc lost by Lif into the vortex on #12.

Applying sun screen, mosquito repellent and sports creme.

Bob aiming for the T.Rex

Lif by the Yellow Submarine

Lif with a "hole" in 1

Ride the snake

Lif from the "Rock of Shame"

Sign, sign everywhere a sign

Keith goes for the lighthouse

Bob attacking the Alamo

Bob starts us off on the Big Course

Steve with a birdie on #1

Steve with another birdie

Rob with a birdie on #15

The Lizard King

Bob driving on #18

Keith with a birdie on #18


  1. Great job as always. I cannot believe you got Blob's put on video. Awesome! I would petition to put the putt putt course score card on the blog so I can see a number one in my row. LIF

  2. That's Blob's putt not put or putz
