Sunday, September 1, 2024

Cat Hollow - Large Group

 We had a large group today for a round at Cat Hollow.  Today's players were:  Lif, Big Dave, Chino, Bob, Keith, Darden, Josh and Heady.  Temperatures were in the 80's, mostly sunny skies and an occasional gusty wind was blowing.  There were lots of other players on the course.  We had to let several people play through because our group was so large.

I started out pretty good but then I totally fell apart on the back nine.  It was hard to get into a rhythm  My drives were decent but my approach shots were terrible.  Even with a good approach shot I missed several easy putts.  I did throw in Nick Matta from 70 feet out on #3 to save par!  Josh, Darden and Chris all threw some monster drives.  Darden birdied #8, I've never seen that done before  (see video).

 There were 10 birdies made:  Josh(4), Darden(2), Bob(2), Chris(1), Heady(1).   At least one disc found, Chris may have lost a disc on #1.

Catching up before we start

Lif starts us off

Big Dave's big approach on #2

Heady with a birdie on #2

Bob zips in his putt

Hair of the Dog

Lif putting with style points

Darden makes par on #7.  His drive was way past the basket

Waiting for someone to play thru

Darden deep in the brush

Bob with a birdie on #9.  Lif is excited!

Josh, grip it and rip it!

Let it fly Dave

Dave standing in prickly spot

The right man with the right tools

Letting it all hang out

Bob with the difficult kneeling roller

Lif from way downtown on #18.  Hit the ring!

Keith finishes it up

Me putting on #18 with a cedar tree up my backside

Official Scorecard

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