Sunday, August 4, 2024

Austin Ridge Bible Church - Hot Hot Hot

 We picked the hottest day of the year to play the toughest course in Travis County.  The players were:  Steve, Dave, Keith and Heady.   Temperatures were in the low 80's when we started and climbed to the mid 90's when we finished.  Sunny skies and no wind.  Course conditions were fair to poor.  The fairways were overgrown on many holes.  We had the entire course to ourselves.

Not one of my better days,  none of us did very well. There was a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth.  I had two shots at birdies but missed the putts.  Dave bailed out of playing the first three holes a second time.

Only one birdie made today and that was by Dave on #18.   No discs lost and one disc found by Dave. 

Dave doing some stretching before the round

Steve starts us off

Dave putting on #1

Inhale confidence, exhale doubt!

Steve on #3 fairway

Dave with a tricky putt on #3

It was a jungle

Dave in the deep brush

Keith with an easy retrieval

Steve driving on #18

Steve getting his disc from the creek

Keith finishes it up

Official Scorecard

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