With the arrival of cooler days we decided to play East Metro Park in Manor. The players were: Steve, Keith, Chris, Dave, Lif, Darden, Bob and Beth, and Heady. Another good day of weather for disc golf. Temperatures were in the 60's when we started. Clear, sunny skies and only a little wind. Course conditions were good. There was evidence of controlled burns that cleaned up some the rough.
I had about an average day, it helped to stay in the fairway. Accuracy is better than distance on this course. Steve had some really good throws today, he had a birdie shot on the long #8, damn near had an eagle. Beth made a couple of long putts on #13 and #18.
Despite the large group, only six birdies were made: Steve(2), Bob(1), Dave(1), Keith(1) and Darden(1). No discs lost and two discs found.
Beth starts us off!
Chris with a long putt on #1
Rob with a birdie attempt
Dave Darden gets his birdie on #2
Lif is over the edge
Group shot
Chris and Steve take a break
Bob's disc found the only water on the course
Birthday Boy Bob
Dave Darden with the flick approach on #6
Who is this masked man?
Chris made a 'hole in one'
The pause that refreshes
Walking to #10
Keith driving with an audience
Darden driving on #10
Steve is in a hole
Darden with a tough putt
Beth makes her long putt on #13
Bob and Beth in front of the Love Shack. Tin roof rusted!
They burned out much of the ragweed
Look at that style!
Steve with a birdie!
Dave the masked avenger
Darden finishes it up
Official Scorecard
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