A beautiful morning for disc golf at Roy G. Guerrero, cool temperatures, bright sunshine and very little wind. A heavy dew on the grass made for some wet discs but it burned off before too long. Today's group was Lif, Big Dave, Steve, Bob, Keith and myself. It was good to have the core group back together after a rain out last week and other absences in previous weeks.
No birdies to report and only 25% of the total holes played were for par, Steve made eight of the group's 29 pars. This course has some long holes and lots and lots of trees. Several hackberry trees were down throughout the course, victims of the storms from the past couple of weeks. I was disappointed in my putting today, I missed at least three putts that I should have made. No discs lost, no discs found.
Waiting around the first tee pad |
Lif starts us off |
A Heady drive |
Steve driving on #2 |
Rob throwing it straight down the fairway |
Taking a little break |
Keith with a nice drive |
Keith with a nice putt |
Bob have some problems with the branches. |
Lif with a flick |
Hackberry tree that fell. Wonder if it made a sound. |
Keith with a smokin' throw! |
Lif with a nice flat release |
Bob with a distance drive |
Big Dave reaching back! |
Dave on fairway |
Dave grip it and rip it! |
Very nice weather, fall flowers in bloom |
Bob throwing into the tree |
Steve with some body English |
Big Dave driving with authority! |
Keith with a follow thru! |
Keith lining up his putt |
Steve fling and ching! |
Walking down the path |
Keith reaching way back |
Bob letting it fly |
Lif driving it |
Steve with a distance drive! |
Rob with a flick set up shot |
Bob going for the basket |
Steve admiring his throw |
Scenic from from the #17 basket |
Walking to #18 |
Official Scorecard verified by the Bob Accounting Firm |