We had the full group turn out Sunday for a round at the Circle C DGC in South Austin. The players were: Steve, Dave, Lif, Keith, Brian, Bob and myself. Roscoe came along for the exercise. Skies were mostly sunny, temperatures in the upper 80's and an occasional cool breeze. Conditions were still very dry on the course. Several other groups were playing today and we had to let several of them play through.
Bob had a very good round today, making par on 8 of the first 9 holes. Brian matched his score for the round. Steve had the best game today, shooting even par for the day. Even Steven. I had a really nice drive on #3 that we all thought had a real good chance of going in. It just missed the basket by a couple of feet. Dave had a great 45 foot putt for par on #14. Steve almost had the shot of day on #18. From about 225 feet out he threw a frozen rope right at the basket. He threw it so hard, his disc went through the chains, hit the pole and bounced out!
A total of six birdies were made: Steve(3), Keith(2) and Dave(1). No discs lost and no discs found.
Blob starts us off! |
Keith with a birdie on #2 |
Rob misses his birdie on #3 |
Keith driving on #5 |
Keith putting on #5 |
Steve driving thru the trees on #6 |
Heady throwing Nick Mata for an approach |
Keith dunks it on #6 |
Steve with a power drive |
Heady preparing to drive on #7 |
Lif driving on #7 |
Steve keeps it low on #8 |
Keith showing good form |
Lif grip it and rip it |
Brian flicking on #8 |
Dave with a long putt |
Bob driving uphill on #9 |
Dave's second shot on #9 |
Keith on the #11 fairway |
Dave throwing with power |
Bob gets around the tree on #11 |
Brian with a follow thru on #11 |
Lif reaching back on #13 |
Dave putting on #13 |
Roscoe gets a cool drink |
Heady's second shot on #14 |
Heady driving on #16, almost made par |
Steve with a distance drive on #16, he made birdie! |
Brian gets some distance |
Steve getting Lif's disc down |
Brian's second shot on #16 |
Getting ready on #17 |
Rob driving on #17 |
Steve getting Brian's drive |
Bob on #17 fairway |
Dave driving with full force |
Keith's second shot on #18. Nice drive |
Steve's laser throw on #18. Too hard! |
Lif putting from the fringe |
Official Scorecard. Recorded by Steve, Compiled by Rob |
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