We met up at 8:30 at the Williamson County DGC in Round Rock. Today's players were: Chris, Lif, Dave, Keith and Heady. Steve played a practice round with us and he did pretty good. Temperatures were in the upper 70's. Skies were cloudy and a breeze was blowing. We got sprinkled on a couple of times. Course conditions were good and there were many other players on the course. Thanks to Steve for bringing the Macho Tacos and thanks to Chris for buying them.
I scored a few strokes worse than the last time we played here. I wasn't getting the distance on my drives and I missed a couple of stupid putts. No one really tore up the course today.
There were four birdies made today: Chris(3) and Lif(1). No discs lost and no discs found.
Sorry that the photos are out of order. Blogger was being difficult and I got frustrated with it!
Keith envisions his first drive
Lif with a birdie on #11. Nice drive!!
Dave with a power throw on the fairway
Chris retrieving his disc, high in the trees
Steve had some decent drives
The instant Dave's disc hits a branch
Lif crawling around
Lif driving on #17
Lif putting on #18
Official Scorecard
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