A good day for disc golf at Wilco, a shame we did not play better. Today's players were: Steve, Bob, Lif, Keith, Chris and Heady. Dave is still on the disabled list. Temperatures were in the 70's, sunny skies and no wind. Course conditions were dry and the basket was missing on hole #15.
We all had problems with the front nine but picked it up a bit on the back nine. I had some good drives but had my problems with the trees. I must have missed six putts. All were on line but either too high or too low. Keith had an poor day putting also which is unlike him. Steve did great on the longer holes, with an impressive birdie on #13 and a par on the long #9.
Only three birdies were made: Steve(2) and Bob(1). No discs lost and no discs found.
Course Layout
Preparing to start
Keith putting on #1
Rob with a long birdie attempt
Lif with a short birdie attempt
Chris winding it up
Bob nails another putt
I got close enough
Steve with a birdie on #12
Bob showing off that form!
Keith with a power drive
Lif finishes it up
Official Scorecard. Recorded by Steve. Compiled by Rob.
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