The first full day of summer found us at the Circle C Disc Golf course in South Austin. Today's players were: Steve, Keith, Lif, Dave, Bob, Chris and Heady. It was a muggy day, with temperatures in the 80's, mostly cloudy skies and an occasional breeze. Course conditions were good, it rained the day before, so there was a little mud, but the creeks were mostly dry. There were many other groups on the course.
As a group we had a pretty good round, every scored in single digits. I had a good round, a little better putting I would have had a very good round. Putting was a problem again, I missed at least five putts, three of which would have been birdies. Lif had the shot of the day with a 60+ foot birdie on #12.
A total of 11 birdies were made today: Steve(3), Chris(3), Bob(2), Lif(1),Heady(1), Dave(1). No discs lost. One disc found by Dave in the grapevine by the #11 basket.
It's proven that if you stay in the fairway, your score will improve.
Stretching out before the start
Rob's off to a good start
Dave with a birdie on #2
Steve with a birdie on #8
Walking down the #10 fairway
Lif with the stick
Keith putting on #14
Steve driving on #15 with an assist from Bob.
Keith's approach on #18
Steve is fishing
Approaching the #18 basket
Rob finishes it up!
Official Scorecard. Recorded by Steve. Compiled by Rob.