To beat the heat we had another early, 8:00am start at the MetCenter. Today's players were: Steve, Big Dave, Lif, Bob, Donald, Mike, DD and Heady. Temperatures were in the 80's, mostly sunny skies and an occasional breeze. Course conditions were still very dry, the creek only had water in a few places. Several other groups were on the course today, enjoying a round in the sun.
The group as a whole did very well today with just four strokes separating the top from the bottom. I played a little above my average, I had a few nice drives, my approach shots were not that bad and I made most of my putts. I did totally choke on two putts but I made a couple that I could have easily missed.
A total of 10 birdies were made today: Dave Darden (5), Donale (2), Steve(1), Rob(1) and Mike (1). One disc lost by Big Dave on the first hole, in one of the few remaining water hazards. Two discs found by Steve in the silt of the dry creek by hole #9.
Loosening up before we start |
Mike gets us started |
One of the two putts DD missed today by clanking the iron |
Steve driving on #4 |
Mike would normally be waist deep here |
A couple out on a stroll in the park |
Rob with a birdie on #4 |
Donald with the drive on five |
DD with one of his many birdies |
Steve with a birdie on #5 |
Taking the long walk to #6 |
DD with a birdie on #8 |
DD driving on #9. Lif is posing |
Steve giving it his all |
Mike with a fine drive |
Bob's second throw on the long #10 |
Donald in the dry creek |
DD with an approach on #12 |
Heady makes par on #12. |
Dave with a tricky putt |
A momentary lapse of concentration! |
Dave driving on #15 |
Mike makes his putt |
Steve with some tough footing |
Big Dave on the #18 fairway |
Dave finishes on #18 |
We searched for several minutes but could not find Dave's disc |
Official Scorecard. Recorded by Steve. Compiled by Rob. |
Tightest match in a long time, but hats off to Double D!